Monday, May 7, 2012

Like a Summer's Day in May

I honestly think I can say this is my favorite time of the year.  I just love May! The sun is shining, it's almost summer and everything is beautiful! Portland is finally showing some sun, and everyone is loving it.

It's been a great first week.  In fact, I can't believe I have only been here for a little over a week.  I feel like Portland has instantly become home and this last week was one huge welcome party!  Work has been awesome, I work with some great people and they are really helping me learn the ropes.  I'm getting more and more confident by the day.  And then after work, I have been getting to hang out with all of my friends in Portland.  There are so many amazing places to see and restaurants to eat at, I have to remind myself that I am going to be here for awhile and I don't need to try them all this week.  My first weekend was a blast, Leah and I went out on Friday night to some cool places in my neighborhood.  And on Sunday, I went to a barbecue with my roomie Evan, and his friends.  Portland is everything I thought it would be and more.  I'm really happy with the way things are going and can't wait to see more.  Here are some visuals from my first 10 days.

.yummy quinoa salad with black beans, avocado, salsa, and jack cheese. perfect for lunch.

.mid week catch up with jamie at mcmenamins.

.what. a. view. on a gorgeous sunday afternoon.

.ice cream on 23rd.

.PSU was really pretty today.

.made myself a nice dinner for getting through monday. 

And I will leave you a random act of kindness I witnessed straight out the window of my apartment.  I saw two young people walk into view of my window when the girl bent down to get something from the ground.  She came up with a clutch, that was probably someone's purse that they dropped.  She placed it on top of our short lamp post and moved on.  Not two minutes later, two people walking their dogs came from the opposite direction.  I saw a woman pick up the clutch and a guy ask "Is that it?"  She said "Yes" and fastened it to her belt loop and the two of them and their dogs were back on their way.  And if that's not a way to top off a great Monday, I don't know what is. 

Might we always remember to be kind to one another.  

C'est la belle vie!

Monday, April 30, 2012

First Few Days in this Place Called Portland

Well, after three full days, I can say for certain: I love Portland!  The city, the restaurants, the people; it's all fabulous and wonderful.  While I have mostly been inside, unpacking and settling into my new apartment, I have had the chance to get out and experience some awesome places with friends, old and new!  I started my new job today and while it will be challenging, it will be an adventure...and so totally worth it.  So I am going to try to keep my promise to keep my blog up to date with awesome adventures and stories of this wonderful life I intend on living here in a magical city.  Missing everyone in Sacramento, thinking about you all!

.Dinner with Leah on 23rd.

.Portland Eats.

.Pretty Flowers from the Bestest Friend in the Whole Wide World.

.Walking Home on a Typical Evening in Portland.

C'est la belle vie! xxoo

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm moving again...

After spending the last 9 months completely re-settling into life in Sacramento and California, I'm moving again!

This time I'm headed to...

Portland, Oregon

Check back in the next few weeks, exciting things are happening!

C'est la belle vie!