Monday, October 11, 2010

Perfect Fall Weekend in Normandy...

Everyone keeps saying it rains all the time in Normandy but this beautiful weather is seriously making me doubt that.  The last four days have been absolutely gorgeous and luckily I have been able to soak in a lot of the wonderful sunlight.

My weekend started Friday, because I did not have any classes.  I did laundry in the morning, before heading out to find some lunch.  There is a certain place that I love to get a jambon gruyere sandwich (ham with cheese and butter).  I have tried them at numerous other places but this one is by far my favorite.  After eating my sandwich and running a few errands around town, I decided to sit at our favorite cafe for some coffee.  And because it was so gorgeous outside, I decided to just sit and read for awhile.  It was so nice to relax, read, and people watch for a little while. 

View from our cafe

Perfect day to sit and read

The rest of Friday I relaxed, read a little more in our backyard and hung out with my roommates.  Louise, Nadege and I needed to go grocery shopping.  Unfortunately, I feel like we always go on Friday nights which are the busiest.  We go to a huge supermarket where they have everything you could possibly want.  Because it is so crowded, people will leave their carts with all of their groceries at the end of a row, go and grab other things they need and come back to their cart.  It is so strange to look down the main aisle and see multiple carts without owners just chilling in the store.  But Nadege and Louise convinced me that it is normal and everyone does it.  They have actually been laughing at me because I think it is so weird for people to just leave their cart anywhere in the store and come back to it.  The system seems to work so I guess I should get used to it. 

Saturday, we planned to go back to our favorite creperie Rose and Grey with all of the assistants.  Now, when I say all of the assistants, I do not just mean the English Assistants.  We have language assistants from all over the world who join us now.  There is an Italian girl, a couple of German assistants, and a few Spanish ones as well.  There were a total of 16 of us for lunch at the creperie that day.  We didn't get our French lesson for the day because the sweet lady we love so much had laryngitis.  It made her even more cute that she was going around whispering French to us.  She felt bad she couldn't give us a lesson but we told her that we would be back every weekend so it wasn't a problem. 

With Margaux and Ashley on the terrace at Rose and Grey

My absolute favorite restaurant in Caen.

After lunch, I had to get back to the Aumonerie for the return weekend for students. It was basically like a retreat.  We drove to the Abbey Mondaye, listened to speeches and talked about theology.  The weekend was rather exhausting for me, seeing as everything was in French.  I understood a lot but there gets to be a point where I am just too tired to concentrate enough to understand anything.  Luckily, a few people who speak English were able to help me out.  I'm happy I went because the abbey was in the middle of the French countryside.  It was beautiful and very different than what I am used to when I go on Newman Retreats in Oregon.  I was having a blast traveling around the hills and fields.  I even came about 5 feet away from the most beautiful cows I have ever seen.  Unfortunately, I forgot my camera on our walk so I have nothing to document that.  But here are some other pictures from the weekend.

The view on our drive to the abbey

The retreat house where we slept

 I saw this out one of the windows and it took my breath away, I think this is so beautiful! And French!

With one of my house-mates, Nadege

When we returned home Sunday, I immediately got to work on the much anticipated cookies!  All of the residents were really excited for me to make American cookies so I couldn't let them down even though I was really tired.  A few of the ingredients were off because they make things differently here in France, but the cookies turned out relatively good.  They all really liked them.  There are a few things I will try differently next time I make them, which I'm sure will be sometime soon. 

Today, I had to be in class in the afternoon.  But unfortunately, the students didn't think they needed to be in class but instead participating in the strike.  People, the myth is true: the French have been on strike at least twice a week since I have been here.  There are a couple of things I find really interesting about these strikes. For example, on Friday I was walking in the exact same path as a giant strike of students.  I was intrigued by the fact there were two police officers on motorcycles leading the way of the students.  They would ride in front and literally turn traffic other directions so that cars could not go the same way as the students were marching.  Then I found out that all strikes must warn police ahead of time and police have to be present to lead them.  It is a safety concern not only for the cars and businesses in the way of the strike but also for the strikers on foot, so they stay safe and no one gets hit by oncoming traffic. 

In any case, I taught one class this afternoon because there were not any students present in the next class.  In my class after that one, Claire said there would be one student, and he had a test to make up.  I also am off tomorrow morning, seeing as there is a huge organized strike and the teacher I am supposed to be working with is participating.  I am trying to do a job here but if the French keep striking, I am going to have nothing but free time.  Well, it could be worst.  After all, it's giving me time to update my blog! 

I am off this beautiful afternoon to meet some friends at our cafe.  I can't pass up the chance to be outside on a day like today! Hopefully this weather continues for a bit, I'm not counting on it though! Au Revoir!

C'est la bonne vie pour moi! :) 

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